IHMSA NRA Silhouette Swinger Target Kit
One Piece Swingers - 1/2 Scale
We can manufacture targets scaled to IHMSA, NRA or to your own specs.
This set includes 1 Ram, 1 Pig, 1 Turkey and 1 Chicken.
These targets are one piece 1/4" steel plate with no welds to break. Just slide target onto your 5/8 O.D. frame and weld the provided 5/8 I.D. washers one on each side of the targets eye. We can also make these half inch thick.
General Disclaimer:
Buyer assumes all responsibility for the use and misuse of the targets purchased.
Questions or Quotes!
Email us at sales@qualitytargets.com
Quality Targets
204 E. through St.
Iola, Illinois 62838
Phone: 1-618-245-6515
Posted by Jeffery Moby on Mar 12th 2019
Great price friendly and fast service. These are a must for saving money and ending up with a great quality setup. No more setting targets back up, by time I get back am winded and have to rest before I can shoot again. With these you can just enjoy shooting. One word, Simple!
Posted by Unknown on Mar 12th 2019
Like them much